[JS # 1 WIL Post]
I was doing my tic-tac-toe project when I stumbled upon
in javascript. At the initial stages of my development, I was using window alerts to broadcast the winner of the game. But then I stumbled on one problem: the winner is broadcasted before the winning move is rendered in the board. After thorough searching, the answers I can find in the web is all about using
to delay the alerts. I decided to ask for some help in stack overflow and learned a lot from the answer.
I started digging about request animation frame in javascript. Basically
is used if you want to manually tell the browser to update the UI before the next repaint. This method takes a callback function which is invoked before the repaint. More information can be found in its comprehensive MDN docs.
This is my first time hearing about this
function ever since I started learning js, around two years ago. Thank you to that SO user for the very insightful answer :).